Lots of our children enjoy going to gym/dance/football/music classes and things like Brownies/Scouts that other kids go to but it's nice to have things that are just for us! These are some of the classes currently running for Home Educated children in or near Taunton - there are lots more across the county we can get you info on:
Mondays - No classes as such but Bridgwater Home Educators meet in the Quantocks.
Tuesdays - in Taunton our group holds Fun Days or socials with free play, activities etc - see the Calendar. Children of the Forest (Forest School) hold their home ed sessions on Tuesdays see here for more info:
Wednesday mornings - Fun Science (alternate weeks) in Taunton. These are inspiring, hands-on science sessions for children of all ages run by Cressida Bullock, founder of Fun Science a leading science edu-tainment company. The kids learn through doing. Complex scientific concepts suddenly become accessible through hands on experiments and investigations - it's wonderful to watch the kids become mini scientists! One week they might be analysing fake 'urine' samples to figure out what's wrong with a hypothetical patient, the next they might be making rockets or volcanoes or getting their heads around forces or the difference between chemical and physical reactions. All the kids take an active part and are able to put forward ideas for future sessions and get answers to their most burning questions. On weeks when there is no science session our British Sign Language group meets - children and parents can learn BSL together.
Wednesday afternoons - HE Art History classes in Taunton. These are for children of all ages and are lead by a local artist who is a former home educator. Children study a different artist each week and produce their own work in that style. They learn all different techniques and build confidence along the way. A selection of their work goes into an Exhibition every summer! (Note: The same tutor also runs classes in Weston-super-Mare)
Thursdays - Taunton HE Performing Arts runs Drama and Dance workshops near Taunton. Classes/workshops are lead by an experienced actor, director and choreographer. The children learn performance skills, build confidence and get to put on their own productions. Alternating with Drama we have a cookery group for over 7s which is at Cookability just outside Cotford St Luke where the children make the most amazing food.
Friday mornings - Tennis coaching in Taunton. Different age groups are catered for and the kids have great fun while becoming rather good tennis players!
Friday Afternoons - Home Ed Lego Club is at Priorswood Library every four weeks on last Friday of month or head to the Minehead Eye for their home ed sessions.
For more info including costs, venue, spaces for Art, BSL, Cooking, Drama, Fun Science and Tennis email Tauntonhomeeducation@gmail.com
The Home Education Centre near Illminster also runs on a Friday with a range of different activities each week - they sometimes have a waiting list but it's worth arranging to visit to see if it is something your child would enjoy. http://www.homeeducationcentre.org.uk/
Starting this September, Horsey View Farm will be running their animal care/equine/fun/craft sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mornings for more info click here:
Somerset HE Co-op runs a group on Thursdays in Kingsbury Episcopi with different workshops and sessions- message Claire Ridewood on facebook for more info
New things are being added all the time and we also arrange Outdoor Adventure Days and one-off workshops for music or STEM so keep checking our Facebook pages and the HE Calendar on this site.